Do you use Instagram stickers in your Instagram stories? You might think of these as Instagram GIFs but Instagram calls them “stickers”; they’re the little animations you find when you click on the square smiley face inside the Instagram stories options.
If you love adding these stickers to your stories, you aren’t alone! Instagram stickers are wildly popular and make stories so much more interesting, dynamic, and engaging.
Now, what about making use of this popular feature for your business? Have you thought of leveraging Instagram stickers for your brand?
You may have noticed when you search for the stickers that in addition to emojis, expressions, words, and icons, there are also a variety of animated business logos, slogans, and even random people performing actions. They can be pretty silly but that’s part of the fun. And these moving features are certainly always eye-catching!
This is one trend your business should get behind. Instagram stickers are inexpensive to set up, long-lasting, and fun for both you and your customers. They’re a great way to get in front of new audiences and reinforce brand awareness and loyalty with your existing followers.
How to Set Up Instagram Stickers
Aka, How to Set Up Instagram GIFs
If you’ve ever wondered how to add your own Instagram stickers to the search mix, you simply need to create an account at giphy.com and then apply to upgrade your account to a brand channel.
(And did you know that the same stickers that appear on Instagram are also available through the TikTok sticker search? It’s like a two-for-one!)
At Barker Social, we help you set up your own brand account for Instagram stickers, TikTok stickers, and Facebook GIFs.
Once your brand account is set up and approved, your GIFs will be available for both your company and any social media users to access through the regular search within Instagram. In fact, the whole world will be able to see them within their searches, so once they’re up, your stickers will be there forever—or for as long as Giphy continues their partnership with Instagram. After the initial set up, it’s great free ongoing branding!
Once you have an account, simply search your keywords and your custom GIFs/stickers will be there waiting for you!